Audience affects how we write when texting


Both offline and online, people have certain ways of structuring words and sentences when communicating with different people in order to understand information clearly or to communicate efficiently. Use of formality’s between two people is influenced by the topics discussed and how close they are to each-other, effecting the way each person chooses to converse with one another. Understanding when slang or standard english needs to be used is important when identifying what creates a specific bond and what information is vital in a conversation.

Paragraph 1: Topics discussed

Standard English is the best way to communicate important information through texting because it has a little to none chance of being misinterpreted by the reader. When having an important information based connection with your boss or manager, a chance for what is being said to be misinterpreted makes the information unclear because it could potentially be understood differently than how it was intended to. Therefore, writing full sentences is the most effective way to text. “Hi again Paul… there has been a mixup in dates so I’ll actually be coming back on the 24th of January. I hope you enjoy your holidays and sorry again.” This message to my boss was clear and easily interpreted. I know that it was interpreted that way I intended because he replied simply with a “??”. I think that this way of texting is extremely effective because it outlines clearly what you are trying to say with a small chance of being misinterpreted.

Paragraph 2: Social Closeness + Choice of conversing

How people speak to each-other through texting is effected by the type of relationship had between two people. In a conversation, being familiar with what someone is talking about makes room for efficiency to be a factor. Because of this, slang is commonly used in conversations where the social connection between two people is mostly every day.

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